[d]arc sessions Europe
For specifiers and suppliers of international lighting projects; [d]arc sessions is an intimate, relaxed space to share ideas, specify projects and network. Curated by [d]arc media, the two-day programme comprises a series of meetings and seminars interspersed with ample networking opportunities within beautiful surroundings.[d]arc sessions is a series of events connecting the very best people creating exceptional lighting projects around the world.
It takes place twice a year (once in Europe and once in the Middle East) and comprises four key elements: Speed+Sync meetings; Symposia speaker sessions; Sustenance breakouts; and Social celebrations. Guests attend [d]arc sessions to specify and source projects; to escape, regenerate and rebuild, in beautiful, spacious surroundings.
To get involved in the next edition of [d]arc sessions, head to: www.darcsessions.com