Zumtobel win third Ecovadis gold medal

11th June 2024

Zumtobel Group wins third EcoVadis medal

(Austria) – For the third consecutive year, the Austrian lighting manufacturer has secured a gold medal from EcoVadis, ranking it among the top 1% of companies by the sustainability platform.

Sebastian Gann, Sustainbility Director at Zumtobel, says: “Evaluations by independent and globally acting rating agencies such as EcoVadis are highly relevant for our company, as they confirm the path we have taken with all the measures we have implemented so far and the goals we have set for ourselves. Together with our specialist departments, the Sustainability Team makes the best possible contribution to the Zumtobel Group’s sustainable development. This not only benefits the environment, but also our customers and partners.”

The Zumtobel Group has demonstrated notable improvements in labour and human rights, where it achieved a ten-point increase this year. This progress is attributed to enhanced employee health initiatives and the attainment of ISO 45001 certifications for all European plants. With a total score of 78 points, the group has not only upheld its solid sustainability foundation but also advanced it further.

The successive gold medals reflect Zumtobel Group’s work towards sustainability and its continuous efforts to implementing measures that benefit both the environment and the broader community.
